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Stepping out of your (career) comfort zone19/11/2020 ![]() Sometimes as career women, we find ourselves at a crossroads: do I stay in this job that pays the bills but doesn’t give me much else? Do I want to spend the next 2, 5, 10, years in the same career? In the same job? At the same company? In the same industry? Or do I… What if I… Could I… Is it possible to… See we think these questions, but then we also find ourselves afraid of the answers, because the answers often mean change, and change often means stepping out of our comfort zones, and stepping out of our comfort zones can be scary. Have you heard the saying, that there is no growth in your comfort zone? If not, think about it and tell me it’s not absolutely true. Are you REALLY able to grow if you’re staying comfortable at the same time? Now, you’re welcome to stay in your comfort zone as long as you like, especially if you’re happy with where you're at in your life, work, and career. But if you want to have more, be more, do more, or try more, then you've GOT to take a leap. And by taking that leap you’ll inevitably end up growing in the process and therefore stepping out of that (career) comfort zone. I recently had a client who was 25 years old and looking at going to university to study a new career. The time it would take for her to complete her studies would be 7 years, which was obviously a big commitment. It also meant that she would have to step wildly out of her comfort zone and into an entirely new industry, and it was THIS that was holding her back. Not so much the time commitment, but the idea that she’d be stepping out into the unknown. Whether you’re 25, 35, or 45, we often feel like it's too late to begin or we're too old or there isn't enough time or we don’t know how we could possibly make it work or… Now stop. Stop and answer me this: does it matter how long it takes if this is THE thing you've always a) wanted to do, or b) is the thing you want to do for the rest of your life? It yes, then time doesn't really matter. If yes, then it’s time to step out of your comfort zone, because if that thing that you want to do will set your soul and your passion on fire, then it doesn't matter how long it's going to take. You do it. You make it work. You ask for help. You reprioritise. You step out of your comfort zone and commit to the next stage. For me, I spent 15 years working in a corporate career. In my thirties, I shifted my corporate role and went back to study public relations. Not easy, but I did it, because I knew I wanted to change. When I left corporate and started running my own business, it took another even bigger jump out of my comfort zone to transition. But guess what? I found my true calling and passion, coaching other women with their mindset and businesses, and couldn’t be more happy or fulfilled. Was I scared? Yes! I had many, many fears. And how did I bust through them? Well I continued to remind myself that the work I wanted was bigger than my fears. The women I wanted and knew I could help were bigger than my fears. They were bigger than staying in my comfort zone. And so it was only by stepping out of my comfort zone that I was able to thrive… and help other women do the same.
So if you find yourself heading towards a career crossroad (or know you’re already smack in the middle of one), I can help. If you’re got that side hustle happening you think (or know) could be something more, I can help. With my Career Mindset Reset I can help you step out of your comfort zone and get you clear on:
Now will any of this be easy? Probably not. But I can guarantee this: it will definitely be worth it. Stepping out of your (career) comfort zone will bring you closer to your dreams. Closer to the life and business and career you envision for yourself. So if you have any questions about my the Reset or just stepping out of your career comfort zone in general, comment below or send me an email. I’d love to help you find clarity! JB
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Processing Frustration + Fear (Covid-19)10/7/2020 Essentially this for my fellow Victorian's... but wherever you are in Australia, or around the world, you may find also value in this message. I am feeling Victoria's collective frustration at our state government and the people in question who did certain things during the COVID-19's first lock down which has now prolonged our experience and thrown us into a wave 2. I have connected with so many new women on my social channels and email list since the beginning of COVID-19 back in March. I am grateful for the opportunity to add value in my pocket of the world when I can with the knowledge I have on how to process negative emotions. Anger and frustration at our external world brings up a lot of anxiety as the worry bubbles up wondering "how long will this will go on"?! I know the turn of events this week in Melbourne are likely causing you stress, it is hard not to be consumed by the bad news and social media coverage. This is your reminder: We’ve gotten through ISO before - we can do it again! If you are like me, and have been feeling all the feels this week as we move into this 6 weeks of ISO... then I want to share with you the simple tools I use to help when the fear and frustration hits:
We’ve seen other Australian states do it and New Zealand! They are showing us what is possible. We can too!
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The Truth About Anxiety...12/6/2020 |