Do you feel exhausted?Stuck in survival mode? Like every day is on rinse and repeat. Same problems, same stress, struggling to "do it all" – no end in sight?
Do you have trouble controlling your thoughts and emotions? Like you just want the noise from overthinking to stop. Wishing the worry, fear, and frustrations would pause so you can take a breath. This 7-Day short course will teach you how to quiet the noise and get back in control of your mind, whether the external stress is still happening in your life, or not. |
Because nothing changes if nothing changes...
Are You Ready To
Get Instant Access to 7 Days of Life Changing Coaching
An app & web portal with easy and accessible course content to uncover the root cause of your anxiety and help you move out of survival mode.
Mindful morning and evening routines to calm
daily stress. |
Journal reflection questions to reconnect to your intuition.
Daily mindset coaching videos and accountability emails to help you release fear and worry for the long-term.
Does this sound like you?You know you should be:
You've tried to go to bed earlier but get stuck scrolling. You've tried to wake up earlier, but feel exhausted (and want to hide from the world) so you roll over and hit the snooze. You may have even tried meditation or mindfulness but give up as you can't seem to turn off those negative thoughts. Or… a big one – making yourself number one priority makes you feel guilty and the time to start making changes just never feels right. All of this has left you feeling hopeless, deflated, and stuck in this never-ending loop. Now you’re stressing about the fact you’re stressed… |
I Know, I Know... Coming Back from Burn Out Can Feel Hard. You Are Not Alone.
Recent stats tell us that 4 out of 5 women hit burnout in 2020, since then honestly it just feels like one big dense energy hangover since then!
I have hit burnout multiple times in my career and from juggling relationships and motherhood with my own high expectations. I tried many times to change my habits, I read all the personal development books, paid for fitness programs, created all the to-do lists! I always started with momentum... and then BAM! Something would trigger me (hello stress!) and I would self-sabotage.
Can you relate?
I have hit burnout multiple times in my career and from juggling relationships and motherhood with my own high expectations. I tried many times to change my habits, I read all the personal development books, paid for fitness programs, created all the to-do lists! I always started with momentum... and then BAM! Something would trigger me (hello stress!) and I would self-sabotage.
Can you relate?
You've Probably Read All Those Books Too...
(or Watched Them on YouTube!) Where the Gurus Say to "LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE" You Have To…
And to that, I call bullsh*t! Hello, overwhelm. Who has the time or energy for all that?! |
There's a Better Way!
With a really simple strategy, that won't take up a lot of extra time or energy, I teach you how to detox the stress first, and THEN learn small daily mindfulness habits to get amazing clarity and stop feeling so overwhelmed – so you can feel more carefree!
I’ve done it myself, I have found what works and showed countless other women working in stress fuelled jobs (with crappy bosses and toxic cultures), and busy Mum's juggling huge to-do lists (who feel like they've lost themselves) just like you to do the same!
I’ve done it myself, I have found what works and showed countless other women working in stress fuelled jobs (with crappy bosses and toxic cultures), and busy Mum's juggling huge to-do lists (who feel like they've lost themselves) just like you to do the same!
“Wow, just 3 days into this course I have realised how my habits of staying up late watching Netflix, not sleeping well, eating poorly all day, not exercising and doing zero personal development or gratitude has contributed to so much to my anxiety EVERYTHING is utterly unbearable and I was looking at medical intervention. Now I feel clearer to make healthy changes. THANK YOU!” – Victoria
Wouldn't it be incredible to wake up every day without all the mental chatter?What IF... What IF... What IF?
Sometimes we just don't want to face the day because the overbearing fear and worry are on a loudspeaker in our minds! Imagine if you could learn how to turn down that noise? Quiet your mind. Get better sleep. Feel more connected. Be less emotional. Be more present in your day. And, see your thoughts shift to be kinder and more loving. LIFE-CHANGING! |
Come Join Me in My 7 Day Stress Mindset Detox!A step-by-step online course for busy time-poor women who want to stop feeling overwhelmed by stress and anxiety and get their life back to THRIVING!
When You Join this e-Course You'll be able to When You Join this e-Course You'll be able to:
Get Instant Access Now for $47!
(Enroll today get ready for prep day & start tomorrow!)
Access 7 Daily Coaching Modules
On your exclusive access web portal and app, each day you'll be prompted to unlock a mindset coaching video helping you identify the key factors relating to your stress and anxiety – PLUS you’ll be given all the tools on how to shift into a Thrive Mindset.
Every video is under 30 minutes – as I said this course is for busy time-poor women! Nothing too complex, I've got you!
Day 1 – Coming Down from Overwhelm
Exhausted striving to survive life? Learn how to come down from those feelings of overwhelm and close down all the open "browsers" of your mind. This mindset coaching tool is to help you stop overthinking EVERYTHING and bust through your procrastination blocks to move forward (baby steps!).
Day 2 – Calming Anxiety and Releasing Fear
Discover the truth about anxiety, where it comes from and why we get it. You'll get a deeper understanding of the fears that spark anxiety and learn a simple tool to help you calm your anxious thoughts and release the worry when it shows up – so you can feel more grounded and present.
Day 3 – Letting Go of Resentment and Anger
Understand how unresolved negative emotions like anger and resentment can act like poison in your mind and body. When frustration towards someone or something is left to fester it can continue to show up (or blow up!) in other areas of your life. Learn how to let go and be more carefree.
Day 4 – Perfectionism (Your Fear in Disguise)
If you are a perfectionist, or know a perfectionist, this module will be a big eye-opener. You'll begin to understand the underlying fears that fuel our perfectionism and causes that incessant need to want to control. Take away a new mindset tool to apply to your life and help you become more easy-going in situations where you would have felt a need to overperform, self-protect or start stressing. #lifechanging
Day 5 – Silencing Your Inner Critic and Building Self-Belief
Can’t get the barraging negative internal dialogue to stop? Discover where your inner critic comes from, why she shows up and how her relentless chatter is affecting your mindset and daily stress. Learn how to reign in those negative thoughts before they start to spiral and begin to work on silencing her for good!
Day 6 – Break Free from Guilt (and Stop People Pleasing!)
Guilt is like the swampland of the soul. When we get stuck in it, we respond and react in ways that don't make us feel good. We can become people pleasers (saying yes, when we want to say no), resentful and often lash out in frustration. Learn how guilt leads to stress and take the first step towards freeing yourself!
Day 7 – How to Avoid Burnout and THRIVE again!
Finding "balance" is difficult when everything and everyone else in life is a priority instead of you. In this last module, you'll learn my proven method to come back from burnout and create an action plan to help you avoid going down the same path in future!
Every video is under 30 minutes – as I said this course is for busy time-poor women! Nothing too complex, I've got you!
Day 1 – Coming Down from Overwhelm
Exhausted striving to survive life? Learn how to come down from those feelings of overwhelm and close down all the open "browsers" of your mind. This mindset coaching tool is to help you stop overthinking EVERYTHING and bust through your procrastination blocks to move forward (baby steps!).
Day 2 – Calming Anxiety and Releasing Fear
Discover the truth about anxiety, where it comes from and why we get it. You'll get a deeper understanding of the fears that spark anxiety and learn a simple tool to help you calm your anxious thoughts and release the worry when it shows up – so you can feel more grounded and present.
Day 3 – Letting Go of Resentment and Anger
Understand how unresolved negative emotions like anger and resentment can act like poison in your mind and body. When frustration towards someone or something is left to fester it can continue to show up (or blow up!) in other areas of your life. Learn how to let go and be more carefree.
Day 4 – Perfectionism (Your Fear in Disguise)
If you are a perfectionist, or know a perfectionist, this module will be a big eye-opener. You'll begin to understand the underlying fears that fuel our perfectionism and causes that incessant need to want to control. Take away a new mindset tool to apply to your life and help you become more easy-going in situations where you would have felt a need to overperform, self-protect or start stressing. #lifechanging
Day 5 – Silencing Your Inner Critic and Building Self-Belief
Can’t get the barraging negative internal dialogue to stop? Discover where your inner critic comes from, why she shows up and how her relentless chatter is affecting your mindset and daily stress. Learn how to reign in those negative thoughts before they start to spiral and begin to work on silencing her for good!
Day 6 – Break Free from Guilt (and Stop People Pleasing!)
Guilt is like the swampland of the soul. When we get stuck in it, we respond and react in ways that don't make us feel good. We can become people pleasers (saying yes, when we want to say no), resentful and often lash out in frustration. Learn how guilt leads to stress and take the first step towards freeing yourself!
Day 7 – How to Avoid Burnout and THRIVE again!
Finding "balance" is difficult when everything and everyone else in life is a priority instead of you. In this last module, you'll learn my proven method to come back from burnout and create an action plan to help you avoid going down the same path in future!
Only $47 for 7 Days of Life Changing Coaching!
Enroll today for instant access to your "Prep Day + Intro Modules" then Day 1 kicks off 24hrs later!
More About the App and Web Portal
Easily access course content via a Web Portal or App using your personal login!
Enrol today and get immediate access to the "Getting Started + Prep Day modules". Day 1 the 7-day program begins the very next day! You’ll also get access to your Digital Workbook and 7-Day Journal, complete with reflection questions relating to the daily coaching topics. Stay on track with email reminders and app notifications to help keep you accountable so you can progress every day! |
Here’s what your day is about to look like:
- A guided short Morning MEDITATION (perfect for beginners!)
- A powerful Morning JOURNAL practice focusing on gratitude and positive affirmations to reprogram negative thoughts
- Daily Coaching Videos (10-30 mins max!) empowering you to feel more in control of your mind (and life!)
- Workbook reflection questions to help you identify and uncover the real root cause of your daily stress
- Tools and tips to help you break through blocks and become more emotionally resilient to anxiety, whether the external stress in your life is present or not!
- A step-by-step evening detox routine to help you calm your mind before bed and get better sleep
PLUS: Healthy Breakfast Recipe ideas, over 150 Positive Affirmations to choose from, personal development book recommendations for beginners, extra resources avoiding Burnout Habit Tracker. Plus an end of program BONUS Private Coaching Offer! |
“Janel’s program absolutely saved my life. I went from struggling daily with everything and being on the verge of a breakdown. To starting my day RIGHT and feeling on top of the world. When you actually start looking after yourself, you notice sooo much change. Best decision you’ll ever make” - Alyssa
The Course FAQ's
Who is this course for?
What are the Requirements?
After this course you'll be able to:
Why do you need this course?
How does the course run?
Who is this course for?
Who is this Course for?
- Busy, time poor women who want to go straight to a method that works and see fast results!
- Women who work in stress fueled jobs and desperately want to stop feeling so overwhelmed
- Anxious overthinking minds that lay awake at night worrying about everyone and everything
- Mum's who feel like they've lost part of themselves and want to reconnect and feel more confident
- Women who are sick of just surviving life and being on the bottom of the priority list!
What are the Requirements?
What are the Requirements?
There are no prerequisites for this course. Come with an open mind, a willingness to learn and a readiness to implement change. Use the tools you are given over the 7-Day Course and see a ripple effect of good energy flow in your life!
After this course you'll be able to:
After this course you'll be able to:
- Uncover the daily habits that are causing you added stress and make small shifts to create lasting change!
- Feel more connected to yourself, the woman you are under all those layers of negative thoughts, feelings and emotions
- Have a deeper understanding of your stress triggers and how to naturally manage your anxiety
- Become more more emotionally resilient
- Quiet your inner critic and begin speak kinder to yourself
- Walk away with an action plan to avoid burnout in future
- Make yourself #1 priority in your life!
Why do you need this course?
Why do you need this course?
- There is no downside to EVER working on your mindset! Whether you take away 1 learning, or have 1,000 aha moments from this short program you are absolutely worth the time and investment!
- This is a great opportunity for you to try mindfulness and mindset coaching in a "go at your own pace" online program and be virtually guided by an NLP Certified Mindset Coach (at a fraction of the price! 8 hours of coaching with me is normally valued at $1,197!!)
- Be given a step by step guide to learning mindfulness habits that WILL change your life (without the overwhelm about what to do, when to do it, or how to do it)
- Biggest benefit - the daily coaching videos are the gold within this program. You'll see things from new new perspectives and start your journey to unraveling the blocks that have been holding you back for probably most of your life!
How does the course run?
How does the 7-day online course run?
- Click the “Enroll Now” button and be taken to the course’s online portal for payment and registration
- Once enrolled you will receive an email confirmation with a request to create your personal login and password for the website portal (if you are on your iPhone click the button in your confirmation email and the Better App will automatically download)
- You will then have easy access to the program and course modules through the Better App and website portal
- You will receive immediate access to the “Getting Started + Prep Day” modules and the printable Workbook to get yourself set up for Day 1
- Your Day 1 module is released at 5am the day after enrollment so you can begin the program straight away - when you need it most!
- Then every 24 hours you will get access to the remaining modules (Day 2-7)
- Once you have completed the full Day 7 program you will maintain access to the course content for 12 months
- You have the opportunity to review modules again, or complete the 7-day mindset detox again as many times as you like within that time frame!
Your Course FacilitatorHey, I’m Janel Briggs a Mindset Coach from Melbourne, Australia. After hitting rock bottom from stress and anxiety in 2016 and experiencing a life-altering transformation that came from some very specific mindfulness practices and NLP coaching, I have developed a unique way to naturally relieve stress, find freedom from anxiety and overwhelm. If you’re asking yourself, is breaking the cycle of burnout possible for you, let me reignite that hope in you and tell you, yes, it is! I’ve personally come back from total burnout and am living my best life… Since implementing some specific changes, my mind and life have continued to thrive.
And that’s why I’m a Mindset Coach today, for the sole purpose of paying this gift forward to help women live more fulfilled lives without stress and anxiety. Read more about Janel’s story. |
Uproot the Negative Thought Patterns Keeping You Stressed.
Get Some Instant Relief.
If you've scrolled this far... one final thing!
I know that if you’re anything like me, you’re stressed because you’re busy.
Adding another thing just seems counterintuitive.
But let me reassure you, your current coping mechanisms aren’t sustaining your current load.
You need a stronger support system in place. You shouldn’t have to let go of all your hopes and dreams in order to be able to manage.
That’s an alternative you don’t want to resort to – trust me.
So, change has to happen… and if not now, when?
But choosing to invest in yourself is something you don’t feel worthy of… I get it. The thing is, in order to truly live day-to-day as the best version of yourself (not only for you but those you love), you need to centre back to a calm, grounded mind, where the decisions and responses you make are considered, not reactive.
It’s time dear one to take the leap. Take a chance on yourself, because it can’t keep going like this.
Adding another thing just seems counterintuitive.
But let me reassure you, your current coping mechanisms aren’t sustaining your current load.
You need a stronger support system in place. You shouldn’t have to let go of all your hopes and dreams in order to be able to manage.
That’s an alternative you don’t want to resort to – trust me.
So, change has to happen… and if not now, when?
But choosing to invest in yourself is something you don’t feel worthy of… I get it. The thing is, in order to truly live day-to-day as the best version of yourself (not only for you but those you love), you need to centre back to a calm, grounded mind, where the decisions and responses you make are considered, not reactive.
It’s time dear one to take the leap. Take a chance on yourself, because it can’t keep going like this.