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What to do when you're Triggered by Fear27/4/2020 I had an experience recently where I was triggered by fear. I've worked a lot on my mindset over the past 3.5 years and I am grateful to say that anxiety and fear are no longer present in my daily life. But, turns out I am not immune to fear. This pandemic has stretched me, like I am sure it has you, to my limits. And I have to "do the work" DAILY to stay in check. The work means staying calm and centred with meditation, journalling to stay connected with my thoughts and moving my body getting fresh air to release tension and stress and anxiety. ![]() Even when you do the work you can still slip up - I guess I am human! And I was triggered by fear after a simple trip to the supermarket with my son. It was not a huge traumatic event, there was no "incident" involving a masked robber or ANYTHING that anyone else would have noticed. In fact to be honest the entire ordeal was happening IN MY MIND. And that my friends, is how anxiety works. My fear was triggered from something I saw in aisle 1 and then how I perceived MYSELF to be unprepared to be at the supermarket with my 7 year old son (who btw cannot keep his hands out of his MOUTH!!!). The loop of fearful thoughts started spiraling and in a split second I felt like a crazy woman. I reacted in curt words and anxious panic trying to flee. My anxiety may look different to yours, it comes out in a angry irrational burst, often yelling, or demanding of the people around me. It feels like I can't control anything, so I need to push, manage and control the people around me. It feels like time is on fast forward and can't stop it. Thankfully, I now understand my anxiety and I know when my fear has been triggered. I typically can see it on the face of the person I am directing orders at (eeeek!), and I can feel the stress hormones in my body making me want to fight or flight (double eeeek!). My husband is also good and recognizing the patterns and calmly and kindly asking me to "check myself"! I was then able to move through the fear using 2 simple techniques that you can use too: 1. BREATHING TECHNIQUE TO CALM MY RACING THOUGHTS 2. REPEATING TO MYSELF AFFIRMING WORDS Watch my video below to hear the full story and learn about the 2 simple tools I used in more detail to apply to your life. This is exactly how I worked through it - and I offer guidance to you so that if you find yourself in a similar situation at any point during COVID-19. - you'll have the tools too! I share this story with you to let you know that if you've been gripped by fear during this crisis, you are absolutely not alone. It happens to the best of us. And if you watch the Mel Robbins video below, you'll see that it even happens to the most famous of us too! The key is understanding how YOUR anxiety and fear triggers, and having the tools in your "knowledge box" to work through it. If you want to know more about your anxiety and how to release it I run a short 2 session program that will help you get clarity and feel supported. FREEDOM FROM ANXIETY - 2 Session Short Program Take care & wishing you well this week :) - JB OTHER RESOURCES FOR MOVING THROUGH TRIGGERED EMOTIONS![]() Pro.M.Emo - Calm Liquid Drops A natural remedy I have fallen in love with this month - and I have been using daily while home schooling (lol)! Pro.m.emo has a range of drop dose essences to support you to process your emotions, when mild or severe emotional disturbances come up. They may assist with mood, and processing feelings such as fear, sadness, loneliness, emotional stress, anger, worry, etc. You place 3-5 drops under your tongue and the emotions shift - I'm not joking! They are OK for children too! #madeinmelbourne LEARN MORE HERE ![]() Gabby Bernstein Positive Energy Meditation to lift your spirit during difficult times. From Gabrielle Bernstein's You Tube Channel where she has a host of resources and videos to help release fear during COVID-19. I have had this 5 minute meditation on repeat this week. Helps to lift the mood and get my mindset back in balance. ENJOY! - JB ![]() Mel Robbins "It’s the first anxiety attack I’ve had in more than six years. I filmed this as I was working through it. I wanted to tell you about what I was feeling and what I did to work through it. The advice worked for me. The anxiety disappeared almost immediately. Since then I feel grounded and in control. This moment is a roller coaster. There will be good days and bad days. Learning how to face uncomfortable moments is one of the most powerful skills you can learn."
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