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I've been speaking to a lot of women lately who are feeling the PRESSURE. To do it all, to have it ALL TOGETHER, to give all their time-energy-service to everyone around them. This pressure is UNREAL! (and exhausting) But they're doing it. And yet, continue to feel like they are failing. If you're feeling this way too - I always start with a simple question: Do you LOVE and fully ACCEPT the woman you see in the mirror every morning? I'll be honest, this is the No.1 question my client's find the hardest to answer! Here's why. Most of us struggle with self-acceptance. We're harsh and critical to the woman we see in the mirror. She is never doing enough, constantly judging and comparing herself, holding impossible standards, and believes she just may not ever be good enough. Like I mentioned in my last vlog, our self-worth is often tied to "conditions". Eg. external factors like possessions, achievements, or other people's opinions. But the truth is, you are inherently valuable—just as you are. Doing what you can, to the best of your ability with the energy and time you have today - IS ENOUGH! And when you begin to realise this - the self-inflicted pressure begins to DISSOLVE. Setting boundaries with people and at work becomes easier. Your resilience towards stress improves. When you learn to love & accept the woman in the mirror... she becomes capable of things you could never EVEN imagine! ~ JB If you're ready to learn love the woman you see in the mirror (with radical self-acceptance!)Watch above, as I share a snippet of coaching (under 3mins!) on: 🌟 Why our self-love often feels conditional 🌟 How societal pressures shape our self-worth 🌟3 actionable tips to start breaking free from those conditions and relieve that pressure! If this message resonates with you, please share it with a woman who also needs this reminder!
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